Glamping Overnight @ Whispering Springs

June 22, 2024

Booking will be available on January 22, 2024. Instructions will be shared with you via email to guide you in the process, but will always be here for you to reference.

1. Click the accommodation link. 

2. Enter password: weddings2024

3. Enter the Coupon Code: Ari/Chels
the coupon code will say it's not valid, IGNORE THIS (it's a glitch)

4. Choose your Check in and Check Out Dates

5. Scroll down PAST THE CALENDAR until you get to YOUR ACCOMMODATION CATEGORY (sent to you in the reminder email on January 22, 2024)

6. Click on the “+” and use the Drop Down to Choose YOUR ASSIGNED ACCOMMODATION NAME

7. Scroll to the Bottom of the Page to NEXT STEP
Note: there are add on options as you scroll that you're welcome to book to enhance your stay.

8. Populate your booking info, then make payment.

Make It A Weekend!

June 21 + June 23 Bookings

Our guests have priority in booking any additional dates prior to and following the wedding festivities. The final date to book before it is offered to the general public is November 28th, 2023. Please plan accordingly! 

The password to book is: weddings2024

*If the dates are not coming up as available it means there is a soft hold on that date for another wedding. You can check back at a later date, wait for confirmation from us that those dates have become available, or you can make alternate arrangements at nearby airbnbs or hotels.


If Glamping Isn't Your Vibe...

There are great Airbnb's in the surrounding area to take advantage of!

The Eh Frame

Off Resort Oasis

Nearby Hotels

Best Western, Ste. Anne's Spa & More

There are options for every budget, but keep in mind the distance from Whispering Springs while booking your accommodations.

Tucked Inn Kennels

Separation Anxiety, Much?

Animals cannot stay at Whispering Springs, however Tucked Inn Kennels is very close by and will board your animals overnight! They provide all kinds of upgrades to make sure your pet knows it's a special occasion. Pup cups and massages?! They may never want to go back home with you...